Altolar is a multifamily housing building inserting itself into the city starting from the relations it creates with the landscape. In the midst of the real estate speculation boom, while many residential buildings started to grow without measure, Altolar kept its distance from the extreme verticality. The two fundamental themes in Alcock´s architecture, implementation and architectonic space, are present in the set. Its volume consists of a body that adapts to the curve of the topography over a hill, which emphasizes the horizontality of the valley in which it is implanted. The north façade has a rhythm that alternates open boxes on blind walls, hiding the services and providing the best views of Caracas to the served spaces. The south façade builds sequences of courtyards from the use of concrete lattice and vegetation, where the tropic dwelling in the darkness and intermediate spaces, is drawn. With its duplex type units, the building manages to be consistent with the richness expressed by its exte-rior. Altolar is a lesson on the abilities of architecture to go further from its immediate ambits and to respond, from the building, to the dimension of the city form its sensible manifestation of the landscape.




