This building, known as the Black Cube, located in the office area of La Estancia, stands out for remarkable spa-tial intensity of its inside space, urban location, purity of form and clean façade, precise construction and delica-cy in the execution of details, high quality and contrast of materials and the multidimensionality of the hanging artwork by kinetic artist Jesús Soto. Johnson, known for his avant-garde designs, conceived a highly defined project: a para-geometric cube, in which the building is empty inside, and through its diagonal and the progres-sive inner gradation of shape, the accesses leading into the magnificent central space covered by a 630 m2 metal structure are connected. The all-different 13 stories of the 96,000 m2 building are linked by four vertical circula-tion cores. Inside, the contrast between the white floors (marble) and the black building (glass and aluminum coating), together with the Hanging Virtual Volume by Soto, (built with 2480 30-foot long aluminum tubes painted blue), create a sublime and amazing interior space.
