The house of the old Juan Díaz hacienda is a colonial work that has stood the test of time. Built on a hill top, overlooking the valley, streams and the sea horizon, its history goes back to the seventeenth century when the governor of the Province of Vene-zuela at the time, Captain Sancho de Alquiza, granted the Caraballeda lands for development in 1608. Granted to Juan Díaz, along with those of Hacienda Suárez (now occupied by El Palmar and Caribe developments), they were used for growing and produ-cing sugar cane, with Hacienda Díaz being one of the largest and most powerful in the eastern coastal region. At the foot of the mountain, overlooking the valley and the crops, the colonial house was built with a uniform and symmetrical rectangular layout, with a central courtyard surrounded by corridors that serve the inside spaces, decorated with period furniture. The high gabled roofs are built with wild cane and covered with clay tiles, while the rhythmic and orderly openings give meaning to the structure. In 1946, the Sosa Báez family, the last owners to work it as an agricultural farm, associated with Bernardo Siso and Carlos Heny to form Compañía Anónima Urbanización Caribe, whose urban plan was designed by Manuel Mujica Millán. The lands were later sold to Caraballeda Golf & Yacht Club Association, which transformed the former hacienda into the only golf, social and sports club of the central coast.
