Framed between two hills, and with El Ávila as a visual limit, this open-air scenario is built by initiative of Inocente Palacios, owner of the 18.000 m2 that it now occupies, and promoter of the neighborhood Colinas de Bello Monte. Recalling the great amphitheaters of antiquity, the project seizes the acoustic and aesthetic qualities offered by the topography. The piece manages to become a symbol of the intense cultural activity in Caracas and the headquarters to all the great contemporary music festivals that arose in the fifties. The theater´s sea shell shape surges from the topographical configuration and allows a privileged acoustic. The bleachers, which follow the curves of the terrain, converge on the geometrically marked scenario. The amphitheater, baptized with the name of José Ángel Lamas, featured in its beginnings, tow works of the Venezuelan painter and sculptor Alejandro Otero.


