In colonial times they were founded in the foothills Ávila Haciendas for the coffee harvest. The climate and location at 1,500 meters height were ideal for cultivation, with the shade of tall trees as Bucare Ceibo. The most famous Haciendas were located in the area of «Los Venados». Including Hacienda La Trinidad, in the western sector of the park and founded by Tomás and Josefa Madrid Bueno. Its boundaries were the north line of Ávila, Gamboa Creek to the east; Cotiza creek west; and south grounds of Anauco Arriba. The Hacienda, developed by the physician, businessman and landowner Adolfo Bueno Madrid, operated until 1925, when it became nation property, in the government of Juan Vicente Gómez. By 1933 the government handed ownership Benedictine priests, who turned into an orphanage, until in 1936 turned to the state to become a training center for park rangers. The Hacienda with clay roofs and adobe walls, has a perimeter «U» shaped gallery containing a large patio where coffee was threshed. A wall located northwest closes the patio. The recreation center features picnic areas, camping, museum, Eduardo Röhl library and Carlos Guinand audito-rium. Today is the administrative headquarters of the superintendent of Ávila National Park.