The circular 75 m diameter Isabel La Católica Plaza is one of the few that is accompanied almost exclusively by office buildings and shops on their ground floors without ever following the plazas curves, but relating to it through platforms and terraces with outdoor cafes from which the activity in the center can be seen. The plaza divides the main avenue of La Castellana in two. From the plaza south (up to Avenida Francisco de Miranda) there is a greater development of lands with office buildings, hotels, shops and restaurants, with a central island planted with laurel ficus trees with large crowns. In the plaza there are large trees -especially mango- and a modern bronze sculpture of Queen Isabel La Católica, attributed to Venezuelan/New York artist Marisol Escobar (1930). The plaza is a center for recreational and cultural activities, together with the ground floor of the B.O.D. building (formerly Corp Banca), with many sculptures and murals that dialogue visually with the plaza and animate the theater and art gallery in the building’s basements. The crosswalks painted on the street (Fisicromía) are the work of artist Cruz-Diez.



