Located northwest of the Paseo de los Precursores axis, this project by Malaussena is a complex formed by the Military and Aplicacion schools, showing classic principles of axial composition based on two compositional axes. According to Silvia Lasala, the complex has the École Militaire in Paris by Ange -Jacques Gabriel (1751-1773) as its primary model and responds to the type used in nineteenth century educational buildings. The complex structured in three large areas, whose center is the void of the Honor Courtyard, defined by a large colonnade at the back and by the buildings intended for the Militar and Aplicación schools that flank it. Their façades display severe and austere image linked to simplified classic language and the use of color. Several autonomous volumes like wards are placed consecutively, shaping the complex connected by corridors. The interior spaces of the Great Hall of Honor display the solemnity of the enclosure, which is elevated on a podium in front of the Honor Courtyard. The façades show Malaussena’s dexterity through compositional variations. According to the Ministry of Public Works, the Aplicacion School was built in symmetry, repeating the façades of the Military School building. The names of the original institutions have been changed, and currently the Military Academy, the Bolivarian National Guard and the Military School for the Armed Forces of Cooperation function there.


