Zonas de Caracas


The reconstruction of this neogothic church began in1903, when it was ceded to the Dominican order, which modified the chapel inaugurated by priest Gregorio Rodríguez Obregón in 1892. In 1762 the first brotherhood of the Heart of Jesús was founded, whose seat was San Jacinto Church, later demolished. Therefore, Rodríguez Obregón gave the chapel to the Dominicans in 1903. They decided to expand it in 1916, to become a basilica. They kept the old façade of the so called «Capilla del Catire», on Avenida Universidad, and built the right nave in 1918, the central nave in 1922 and the left nave, dedicated to the Virgen del Rosario, in 1923. In 1956, to construct Avenida Fuerzas Armadas, eight meters of the main façade were demolished, changing its proportions and affecting its interior space. The new façade, rebuilt in 1963, was made in the sober original architectural style. The vertical towers give character to the single piece, without the buttresses and flying buttresses of European gothic cathedrals. This place of worship of the Heart of Jesús, which tried to be a basilica, is still run by the Dominicans. Inside it has lovely stained glass windows and a central rose window, which beautifully illuminates the main altar at sunset.