Zonas de Caracas


Designed during the Pérez Jiménez dictatorship, the cable car system begins in Caracas, at Maripérez Station and ascends to Ávila Station, at 1100 masl, on a splendid geographic terrace with views to the sea and the city. This recreation, service and transfer center is located at the west end of the summit, opposite the hotel complex, on a lower level. The building consists of a compact volume connecting two bodies, with successive terraces and ramps adapted to the topography. The ground floor of the terminal has a transit and transfer level, separated by half-levels, where the departure and arrival points of the system of cable cars to Caracas and the coast are located. Over this, two additional floors were placed, for services and recreation, and an ice-skating rink. The second two-story volume, like the first one, is covered with concrete vaults intended to permit a large flexible space for mul-tiple uses. The building, which has suffered unfortunate interventions, has the same formal codes of the Hotel Humboldt, and they form a single unit, an architectural bastion and a symbol of the city. Nowadays the connection of the station to the Hotel Humboldt has become a cartoonish theme park, full of kiosks, which has damaged the landscape and the modern spirit that once prevailed.