The space, built for the Bicentennial of Bolívar’s birth, is part of Miraflores Palace. Despite its importance, it illustrates the crisis of public urban spaces, with inefficient management resulting in clear deterioration. The premises that originated it have been ignored, among them, to be part of an urban project linking Plaza Bolívar with Caño Amarillo. This fact adds on to a vision that keeps the plaza closed and guarded like a fortress. The complex has an administrative building, a plaza over the parking lots, and a gallery as a pedestrian connection to Caño Amarillo. Built with brick, stone and wood, and dramatically lit with natural light, it has an atmosphere that justifies its original name: «Gallery of Reminiscence». The roof of the administrative building is a garden that extends those of the palace and was designed by landscaper Fernando Tábora. The plaza’s structure is unique in Venezuela: a post-stressed concrete structure of successive porticoes. The pavement, designed with special size bricks and grass joints, as well as the fountain that flows over the inclined brick-covered plane, show signs of neglect. Begun in 1981, the work was inaugurated, unfinished, in 1983. Until 1987 there were several attempts to complete it. Since then it has undergone many modifications unrelated to the original project.

