The Bolívar square of El Valle is larger than the 30 by 60 meters typical of Caracas mission towns. The application of urban renewal ordinances erased the original history of the town of El Valle with its colonial layout, and left only the church. The renovation of the square Bolívar of El Valle involved the main façade of Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación del Valle church, a heritage located between a high edge of a residential complex and a Civil Registry building; a small low volume of El Valle metro station on the edge of Avenida Intercomunal of El Valle, and the lateral side of a shopping center. The absence of a grid like geometry in the square’s area, as well as the presence of 76 tall indigenous trees and 15 new species with colors, encouraged the invention of a system of linear components that give the idea of the square as a lined layout of different furrows that alternate hard pavement and planted areas, with urban furniture of benches, drinking fountains, drain covers, signs and lights that are part of the linear system, raised or flat, according to their condition. The result can be seen in the satisfaction of the community, which has been activated and claims the incorporation of the back element, which would complete the green scenery of the square, a library beneath a cultivated tiered roof, yet to be built.
